Vacuum Pressure Units

DoverMEI’s Vacuum Pressure Units are a versatile unit designed to handle either abrasive or non-abrasive granular, powder or pelletized materials. An air management system controlling the pressure side of the system regulates air velocity and system pressure to run exactly as the system design requires. This feature allows slower product speeds reducing product degradation. Product wear on components is greatly reduced because the material being conveyed comes in contact with only two moving parts, the inlet and discharge valves. Both valves are designed for abrasive service. Replacement seats are inexpensive and require only two hours to replace. The Vacuum/Pressure system approach utilizes full blower capacity for both the vacuum and pressure cycles of the system. This allows longer vacuum legs, if required, for use such as unloading 2 or 3 railcars without re-spotting.

Vacuum Pressure Units on portable trailer rail unload vacuum pressure systems

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