Where does the term wet scrubber come from? For starters, let’s define what a wet scrubber is, what it’s good for, and what exactly makes it a “wet” scrubber versus the equally useful, operationally different dry scrubbers used to clean industrial exhaust. Read on to learn more about this indispensable device and how it can help keep your facility’s emissions cleaner.
Wet Scrubbers
A wet scrubber is attached to a flue from a furnace or other source of gas and particles. In simplest terms, when unclean air enters the scrubber, it gets filtered through a layer of steam or liquid and this traps particles and gases inside. The steam or liquid then rises and passes through a filter, also known as a mist eliminator or entrainment separator. The clean air is then let out of the scrubber while the nastier particles remain. They require special disposal which consists of getting further treated and disposed of in landfill (though it depends on the type of waste remaining.) Dry scrubbers, conversely, do not use water—instead, they use a substance called activated alumina to absorb pollutants.
What Are Wet Scrubbers Used For?
Wet scrubber manufacturers created several diverse types of wet scrubber, but they work on the same essential principles. They work diligently to remove both gases and particles that can pollute the environment, causing health issues and possible corrosion. Wet scrubbers work well in environments involving extremely elevated temperatures. They can handle substantial amounts of moisture but must be kept clean and maintained to avoid the possibility of corrosion or bacterial growth. Since they are water-based, they also help prevent fires and explosions. They require copious amounts of water to work and use a lot of electricity.
It’s All in the Name
Where does the term wet scrubber come from? As you can see from this article, it’s based upon how the tool functions. Wet scrubbers engage a great deal of liquid to produce the steam or liquid base that filters out a facility’s exhaust. While water is most used, other liquids and chemical combinations are also used depending upon what’s being filtered out. Sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, and calcium hydroxide are used for acid-gas control. No matter the substance used for filtering, the wetness of the wet scrubber ensures pollutants don’t enter the atmosphere or the ecosystem.