Many people may think of power tools or large machinery when considering workplace hazards. However, there are things invisible to the eye you must consider as well, particularly if you work in a factory handling food or chemicals. It’s for this very reason that you need to know how to properly design, install, and maintain a dust collection system.
Make Sure to Get the Right Dust Collector
The physical dust collection unit can come in all shapes and sizes. When choosing a dust collection system for your facility, make sure it’s the right fit. While people claim size is important, air to cloth ratios, can velocity, interstitial velocity, bag type, cone angle, material of construction, duct line velocities, hood design, and face velocity at the pick up point are all critical. Let DoverMEI be your one stop shop for all your Dust Collection needs. DoverMEI can Manufacture, Engineer, and Install your next system and guarantee its performance.
Establish Where You Will Install It
The first step in installing a dust collection system is deciding where you’re going to put it. Install the collection unit in a location where dust can be properly disposed of and dealt with upon filtration. It also needs to be located in an area that will be effective for your full range of the dust sources. This way your entire workspace is dust free.
Use Effective Filters
We recommend utilizing vertical filters over horizontal filters in most applications. If you’re trying to stop cross contamination in the workplace, you will need the correct filter media. Whether it is a DoverMEI recommended wide pleat filter versus a bag, a cage, or a top load design versus a bottom load design. At the end of the day, the filter you use will depend on the specific particles it will be filtering out on a daily basis.
Proper Deflagration Protection is a Must Have
Factories that contain fine powder products, such as food and chemical industries, run the risk of handling combustible dust. To prevent such an issue from harming people and products in the vicinity, prioritize the installing of an explosion vent. An explosion vent, paired with a second flameless vent, will help mitigate any danger to people and products in the workplace.
Make Sure Your Ductwork Is Safe
This goes hand-in-hand with the previous step. Your ductwork should utilize either dampers or an isolation valve to minimize the risk of combustion. A flow-activated passive inlet isolation valve will work with the explosion vent to, in the case of deflagration, suppress the explosion to hinder exterior damage.
Make Sure to Properly Maintain your System
Now that we’ve got all those details out of the way, it’s time to break down the maintenance and operation of a dust collection system. Many systems start off working well but then efficiency declines over time. This can be the result of a poorly designed system, or poor understanding of how the system works. All dust collection systems should have a gauge to monitor the cleanliness of the filter media. Properly installed filter, proper air pressure, and proper reverse pulse sequencing are crucial to a healthy dust collection system. Sealed doors, duct, flanges, and correctly adjusted blast gates also play a huge role in the effectiveness of your system. Combustible dust mitigation devices inspected, checked, and maintained are crucial to your safety. Dust Collection can be a simple process, but it’s still a process that requires careful completion to ensure the machinery functions properly. Give DoverMEI a call if you would like a system that will give you years of efficient operation that is easily maintained and serviceable.
Now that you know the things to look for in a dust collection system, you’re ready to make your workplace a cleaner, safer environment. A dust collection system is only one aspect of a functioning factory workplace, but it is a very important aspect.