What To Look for in Your Next Industrial Silo Tank

What To Look for in Your Next Industrial Silo Tank

Silo tanks are an incredible necessity in manufacturing, material handling, and other industrial applications, but that necessity can change depending on what business the facility conducts. Mostly used to store and protect bulk materials and products, silos come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on what’s stored inside, silos can be made of different substances. Keep the following things in mind as we explain what to look for in your next industrial silo tank.

What Are You Storing

The first and most obvious thing to know is what’s going to be kept in the silo tank. As mentioned, different silos are made from different materials due to the weight, density, consistency, size, abrasiveness, and organic or inorganic origin of the substance to be stored. Silos can be made of concrete, wood, metal, plastic, and other materials to keep their contents clean, pure, and transportable, while preventing the silo’s interior from being damaged. For example, if you’re storing food items, stainless steel and aluminum are best since they won’t rust, can be easily cleaned, and prevent spoilage and infection.


Here’s what else to look for in your next industrial silo tank. Make sure you have the right size silo, and ensure there’s plenty of room for whatever you have, as well as for whatever’s coming next. For storage tank fabrication, measure the area where the silo will be installed and consider the volume and daily intake and output of the silo to give the manufacturer a better idea of which size best suits your needs. Size is also a big determiner of cost, and some experts recommend thinking higher and narrower over simply choosing a large silo. The taller size can still provide plenty of room while reducing downward force that can impede discharge, while also generally putting less weight on the silo’s structural support system.

Feeding and Discharging

Storage and storage tank fabrication are just two aspects of your silo selection. The other two things to consider are how you intend to put materials in and take them out without fuss, damage, or loss of product. Moreover, these processes often work on gravity, but may require additional mechanisms to ensure a smooth flow, including pneumatic systems, activators, vibrators, aerators, and other devices that keep the materials moving in and out. Figure out where you’re unloading materials as well and whether a track, belt, or hopper is required to gather and carry off anything.

Keeping It Clean

Along with all the above requirements, keep in mind the fact that you’ll need to clean your silo inside and out regularly, so ensure it’s an easy and hygienic process. Be informed about the best way to clean your future silo, so you can gather material that’s stuck to the silo’s walls rather than rinsing it away and wasting it. Be sure to pick one that can be cleaned without putting employees in danger as well. An easily maintained silo is both a money and lifesaver!

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